Echidna Wars DX [D-Gate, Asimofu]

  - Date Posted: 9/30/2022

          General Info:
Post Type: Review, Files ## Cheats, Saves
Developer: [Circle Group] D-Gate, Asimofu
Language: English 
Progress: Complete (Finalized)
Type: 2D Gameplay ## Side-Scroller ## Action ##  FighterPlatformer ## ModernSF
Style: 2D (Pixel) Animations ## 2D View ## X-Ray View
Fetishes: Femdom, Vore (Oral & Unbirth & Absorption) ## Female MC ## Monster Girls ## Yuri ## Lips & Pussy & Breasts (Slight) & Monstrous Fetish ## Status EffectsTransformation
Links: DLsite

                  This Arcade-style game was developed quite a while ago, but still extremely good. It is the polished, upgraded, version of an earlier game, Milia Wars, that only had 2 Playable characters and 1 Stage, unlike the 4 Characters and 3 Stages of this game. And all in all, quite a good job they did with this game. For D-Gate, this is their best game they officially released, in terms of content and polish to it. (I've seen their name in collaborations in many other games, they still do bring some quality touches where they go)

                  Review Contents (links to each part):
          Full Review
          Fluff (Intermission)
          The Files

                  Review TL;DR:

          All Scores:
================ Plot                        =  ----
================ Gameplay              = 7
======== Mechanics            =  9
======== Complexity          =  7
======== Uniqueness          =  6
======== Replayability       =  7
================ Scenes                   = 8.5
======== Visual                   =  9
======== Written                =  -
======== Interactivity        =  7.5
======== Replayability       =  9
================ Development       = ----
================ Obtaining            = 8
======== Price                     =  7
======== Methods               =  9
================ FINAL SCORE  = 8.5

                  A short-towards-medium Arcade Side-scrolling Beat 'em up Vore game, D-Gate and Asimofu really made a quality gem with this one. It has interesting gameplay, variety in playable characters, each with its own abilities, and quite a lot of H-Scenes, all Pixel-animated in-game! With a lot of enemies being Monster Girls (and some Monsters as well), there is plenty of Vore to be seen around, and each level can then be replayed in Stage Select, as well as fighting any enemy chosen via Freeplay. 
                  On DLsite for a certain price (you probably can try to get a Coupon to lower it a bit though), it is a game I do recommend playing! (or at least trying out the Demo, as DLsite usually has demos for their games, to see if it's your cup of tea beforehand)

                  Full Review
                  Plot = ----
          Story = -
                  Now, since it is an Arcade-style after all, the plot is not that important. Or there at all. As gathered from the DLsite page, basically, an invasion by "inter-dimensional" invaders, and also an Echidna there for good measure. Now it's up to Mirea (Blondie) (yes, she's also called Milia at times, it's just Japanese things, both work, I'll just go with Mirea for now) and Co. to do something about it, preferably stopping the invasion in the process, but most likely feeding some of them at least a couple of times before being done. Simple, as expected, it gets a 5 (at least it doesn't overstay its welcome, considering)

          Characters = -
                  Again, don't expect too much out of this, more than their names and short descriptions for each. Mirea is the previous-titular character, and the one more relevant in the advertising. She's the blonde "valkyrie", and uses light magic from the looks of it. Sachiho is a melee Wolf-girl, also Hadoukens on the side. Those 2 roommates where in the Older game. The new 2 girls are Usaco, Bunny-girl agent, and TGO-07, Android girl. That's kinda it for their characterization, don't be forgettin' their names too quick. So yes, also a 4 here, pretty understandable though, I'm not sweating this part.

                  Gameplay = 7
          Mechanics = 9
                  Now here, we can get started. First, the game has 5 different difficulties, so you got some variation there. No specific unlocks for each difficulty, it's mostly for Score (since each difficulty tracks its Max Score individually). Indeed, Score, like with Arcade games, is for bragging rights. Feel free to use it as such.
                  Each of the 4 playable characters have their own play-style (their own movesets), but there are common gameplay elements for all of them. You got your HP and SP bars. SP is used in special attacks (since those actually deal the decent damage), but is also like your Armor in a sense, since during enemy Grabs, it will first damage it (and at times, a bit of HP), then when it runs out, they melt HP instead. It's your choice whether to play offensively and risk being low on SP for when you get grabbed, or play defensively and conserve the SP at the price of doing shit for damage. You also have an Exp bar, and Level. Normally, you're Level 1, but you can level up 2 times (both requiring same Exp amount), and with higher Level, you have increased Max HP&SP, and stronger Special attacks. However, if you die (more like when you'll die), the Level is reset to 1 and you lose all Exp. All 3 (HP, SP, Exp) can be gained by playing, either dropped by enemies, found in breakables, special Orbs, or in Secret Areas, after finishing them. 
                  Now with the boring out of the way, we can talk about each character. Mirea plays pretty standard. Her normal attack has some reach, is a 3-hit combo, she has a spinning Jump-attack, also a Crouch attack for even more range, and can Multi-jump a couple of times (5 mid-air wing flaps, progressively weaker in height). Her special shoots multiple fanned-out arrows, 3 at Lvl 1, 5 at Lvl 2 and 5 Piercing Lasers at Lvl Max. She's an Ok overall character, but apart from her vertical mobility, she lacks any other redeeming qualities. If you plan on conserving SP, her 3-hit combo is way too slow to think of using it in full on enemies (they'll just Grab you during it), her Crouch attack is not that useful, and really you'll be using her only if you wish to use her Special attack for hitting multiple enemies. I don't use her at all if playing seriously.

She gets no love from me. Although she's cute
                  Next up, Sachiho, she's a fast melee attacker. She's very decent with the damage of her normal attacks, which are all pretty fast as well. She has a 2-hit combo (so no huge commitment in attacking), A Crouch flip attack (can be done in the air for a dropping flip that deals a bit more damage), an Air kick attack, and she can Grab, then throw, enemies (well, really, only small ones. So only the first 2 enemies. pretty underwhelming, but still, can be useful). Her special attack launches a Fireball, veritable Mario cosplay, which, at Lvl 1, leaves a patch of fire that deals some constant damage for a bit, at Lvl 2, leaves 2 said patches, and at Lvl Max it instead explodes in cascading columns of fire. Also, while she only has 1 mid-air jump, she can DODGE ROLLLL.

                  During the beginning of the Roll, she has Invincibility Frames, and yes, those also can mitigate her getting grabbed! Also, as a Hidden Tech, (as you can also see at the end of the above clip) you can Dodge-Roll, then immediately jump to gain further distance faster (however, because you jumped, you don't get the I-frames during that extended dash-jump). Useful for doing speedruns. She's pretty good as a character, very fast and nimble, but doesn't have as much vertical movement, and to balance her strong normal attacks, her special attacks are not doing a lot more damage. If you feel like playing like a pro, fast and precise, take her. TAKE HER!

Not that much of a wolf person...

                  Now comes my favorite, Usaco (The fact that she's a Bunny Girl's only a bonus, I swear). She is a very safe, but weak, character. Her normal attack is to shoot a 6-shooter at the enemies, which gives her a lot of range, but the damage is extremely low per shot, so you'll have to pepper them for a while to land kills. She shoots faster while crouched. In fact, she can also Crawl (at a crawling speed. Not even as a joke.) while crouched, which is entirely useless save for some extremely rare circumstances. Her normal attack, when close to an enemy, is instead a fast knife-swipe (which is technically a 3-hit combo, but it's spaced apart just as much as attacking separately, so functionaly, it's irrelevant). As a Hidden Tech, while her normal Knife swipes are fast, you can also get 2 quick-swipes in succession by doing the 1st Swipe standing, and the 2nd one Crouched. You'll have to learn the timing, and it's only minorly increasing the DPS so it's not that essential. 
                  For her special, she throws, at Lvl 1, a Grenade, at Lvl 2, a Stick Grenade (more damage), and at Lvl Max, shoots a Shotgun blast (with quite a bit of Area of damage). Considering her Overall, she's good for a safe play (if you want to do a No Continue completion of the game, especially on harder difficulties), but it will be a slow play at that. Not only that, but with low vertical mobility, some particular enemies will be quite a threat for prolonged periods of time fighting, so you'll either have to risk getting in some knife swipes, or using up SP to clear the annoying ones early. Still, I like her as a safer gameplay strategy.
                  Fun fact, if you fire 6 or more shots, when you stop shooting, she actually reloads the gun! (just an pseudo-idle animation, you can still interrupt it with anything else, like shooting again)

                  And for the last entry, the Android girl (and her chipset name). You can probably guess I'm not that interested in her. Gameplay wise, of course. Her normal attacks are heavy-hitting, and also slow as fuck. As her Standing attack, she has a 2-hit Combo, but her 2nd hit takes about 3 decades and 2 full moons to come, and by that point you might as well just throw yourself in the arms of the closest sexy lamia around. 

Can't argue with that...

                  Back on track... Her Crouch attack is a 3-hit Drill diagonally, from low to up. Also pretty slow, but first hit is slightly faster than her Standing attack, and it's easier to cancel into Jumps or Sliding when needed. Also, while crouched, she can Slide! (which is slightly faster than walking). In-air, she has a Flame Swipe Burst, by far her fastest normal attack. Also, for in-air jumping, she has a jetpack, which can either be held down for rising continuously, or be used intermittently (if you just tap the jump button in-air, you can use the jetpack for a total of 3 times; holding it down will only be doable for a similar amount of time). 
                  As for her Special, it can either be tapped (for a fast shot) or charged (up until she starts flashing, for a piercing laser shot). Higher Lvl simply increases the damage (and the overall size). Crouch Special instead shoots Homing missiles, more with higher Levels (and can also be charged). She has one more gimmick, supposedly a Secret one (as shown in the manual with the eloquent "???"). Since you can hold the Charge on the special attack even while moving or attacking, if you are in the air and Jump, you'll see and hear a distinct Spark-sound. In that brief interval, you can let go of the Charge to do an unique attack, in which the Android girl becomes a falling Beyblade. It doesn't do that much damage, and she has a bit of forced down time on the ground after that ability (leaving you vulnerable), but that secret ability, even as it is done by Charging the Special attack, does not use SP. Still, not really a feasible choice, since it has too poor damage to make up for her being vulnerable for just enough time that even the laziest enemies will have a chance at having a taste of you. But THAT'S NOT IT YET! One more Secret Ability. Similarly, holding down the Charge while Sliding, at certain points of the Slide, while once again give you that Spark sound and effect (also you'll temporarily stop Sliding as fast). If you let go of the Charge right then, you'll do a small flip, then enter Hyper Mode, in which, for a short while, you're extra fast (including all your attacks and normal movement), you flip quite a height instead of Jetpacking (but have no mid-air jumps), and can't crouch/slide. At the end of the Hyper Mode, much like with the Beyblade Fall, you are left in some down time, but with Hyper Mode, at least you can try to get in some quick attacks, then dash away for the inevitable stun. 
                  As a character, she's extremely gimmicky, but a lot of her gimmicks are useless, rely on SP a lot, or require a lot of planning. If you like guzzling SP energy like no tommorow, or going Hyper almost constantly, well, you can have this pick. Surely not mine though.

Fly away.... Don't need you

                  Getting into the enemies, they rely heavily on Grab attacks. Those attacks initiate the actual Vore Scenes, and all enemies have at least 1, at times 2 separate ones. Most of them are in their melee range, with some exceptions (and obviously, Bosses are a whole 'nother story). Enemy Grabs have 3 general stages. First stage you get when grabbed while you still have enough SP, and will damage your SP (and at times, a bit of HP too). If you're grabbed with low enough SP that it becomes 0 during the 1st stage, you are taken to the 2nd stage of the Grab, which deals more HP damage (and stacks with the damage of the 1st Stage). 3rd Stage happens when you're grabbed and damaged to 0 HP during the Grab, and it's essentially how that enemy devours you to death. Some Grabs allow you to "struggle" by mashing Left&Right alternatively, but it's mostly just to show a struggle sequence, you can't actually struggle out of the Grabs (as they proceed and end with you pressing the Jump button). You can also Skip the Animations if you wish, but like, why? Why not enjoy life? 

How I enjoy life

                  Enemies can also have melee or ranged normal damaging attacks (with a chance to rip your clothes a bit), or even launch projectiles at you (some of your ranged attacks can destroy those projectiles, like Usaco's bullets) that can inflict you with a few Effects, those being WhiteSticky (you mash Left&Right to struggle out of it) HoneySticky (even stickier than normal), Slippy (each time you land after a jump, for a while, you slip, causing you to be down for a bit, vulnerable to attacks and grabs) and VioletPoisoned (slowly drains HP for a bit). All of this Effects can be applied to you also after getting out of certain Grabs of some enemies. If you wish to play in such a way that you avoid Grabs (since those are the main damage dealers), you need to keep as mobile as possible, rarely overstay your welcome, and know when enemies can be Staggered by your attacks and for how long, to dodge their Grabs and get in your damage when possible. When you die, you, once again, get to choose between the 4 characters, so you can use deaths to change to a better-suited character for the current situation (aside from getting the normal invincibility frames and HP&SP refill upon respawing).
                  Each Stage has 3 Levels, and each Last level is a boss fight. Bosses obviously have their Health bars, and have more developed attacks and Grabs. Generally, they have phases dependant on how much HP they have left, and normal enemies might spawn at certain points during the fights too. Some Bosses might even have some special Grab interactions with fitting enemies...

Not to name anybody, of course... She's also hot though

                  In the end, the game has a moderate amount of simple-to-undersand Mechanics, which makes sense for its Arcade style. The multiple playable characters also helps with variety. With that being said, it gets a proper 9.

          Complexity = 7
                  The game does have its fair share of mechanics, but is on the shorter side in terms of overall content. Still, considering the multiple playable characters, and each with its own playstyle, there is some complexity to justify trying to get better at the game. I personally enjoy the challenge (when trying to actually play seriously, not just for the scenes), although one complaint in that regards from me would be just how hard it can get to go through the game without using Continues, since it's very easy to get Grabbed by enemies and have a lot of SP&HP be lost (and with all the different ways of getting grabbed, it's bound to happen quite a lot). Another problem, in my opinion, is how hard it is to maintain your Level. It's not such a game-changer, but in lots of cases, it makes the Special Attacks actually worth their SP cost (considering that SP also doubles as Armor). However, Levels being completely lost upon death, it becomes extremely hard to even maintain a Lvl 2 usually, much less a Lvl Max. There are even rare instances where some enemy grabs can actually further drain Exp, making matters even worse. Considering that you can always Continue, even after losing all Lives (but having to restart the current Level), is one reason why the game is not that hard overall, outside of challenging yourself. For this, I'll give it a 7.

          Uniqueness = 6
                  Clearly, not alone in its own genre. There are many Side-scroller Beat'em ups, even Adult ones, and even with Grab attacks being involved. What would set this game apart a bit from the others would be its strong focus on Vore, and the density of Grabs (and the Scenes that come with them). It's very often that you'll die in somebody's stomach instead of simply being beaten to death. The game does have it's own charm in a sense, with how it plays and whatnot. Still, it's not trying hard to thread new grounds, at any rate. 

          Replayability = 7
                  There are a couple of reasons to Replay the game. If you are the type to like a challenge, you can try to beat the game as a Speedrun, or on a no-Continue run. You can try playing with each character and see how far you get before, inevitably, you switch to another one. You get a Stage Select and a Freeplay option, useful to practice certain Levels or certain Enemies (although you'd most likely use the Freeplay for playing with the enemies, not really against them). Also, by doing a Freeplay on the 1st Level on 1st Stage, you get, to the Right, a Dummy you can test damage on. Pair that with my Cheat (in the Files bellow) to test each character and see what fits you best! 
                  Being a shorter game, though, it's not having much more in incentives to Replay through it. You can still try, from time to time, to challenge yourself with it, if you feel like it. Most likely, it will not be an often occurence.

                  Scenes = 8.5
          Visual = 9
                  Extremely good visuals. All the H-Scenes happen after being Grabbed by enemies, and all of them are Pixel Animated. Pretty smooth, lots of detail, and clearly well-polished, as expected of a proper Circle like D-Gate and Asimofu. There are no other CGs, it's all Pixel Animations in-game, and as said previously, the loss scenes are, essentially, part of the Grab animations, their 3rd stage. I personally enjoy the quality of this Scenes, I've replayed this game quite a couple of times over time, and still get to enjoy seeing the Scenes again (of course, after forgetting about them, since I don't like watching the same Scene repeatedly). A good job, on the Visual side.  
          Written = -
                  It's one of the games that relies heavily on implied plot and situation, rather than spoken dialogue. Basically, everybody is mute, and you get to understand them from visuals alone. 

          Interactibility = 7.5
                  Considering that all Scenes happen in-game, it's pretty immersive in that regards. Also, the addition of some variations in certain scenes by Struggling is a nice touch. Only a shame that there is no actual Struggling out of Grabs, which could have added another layer to the Interactions. Also, considering just how often you get grabbed, it's not much of a choice, and will happen a lot of times (you'll probably skip a lot when rewatching the same Grab for the 40th time, even with their variations). I guess it's an understandable consequence of the game being so Grab-heavy with its Scenes. 

          Replayability = 9
                  Again, using Stage Select (for Bosses, in their Levels) and Freeplay (for the normal Enemies), you can fight (and get) all Scenes. I personally like a lot games that allow you to Replay scene in actual Gameplay Fights, which allow you to lose HP and other stats like normal, since part of my enjoyment in these games is also seeing my stats go down for real, not just seeing the Scenes themselves (although the Scenes being sweet also helps). I do think there are enough enemies and Scenes in general, but it is true that there are Scenes proportional to the game's own size. There is value in replaying the game even just for its Scenes, and plenty of flexibility at it. 

                  Development = -
                  It was a full product from the beginning. So, I mean, cool Development I'd guess, since we got a full game (which is to be expected from actual official Circles and a game released on DLsite for normal price)

                  Obtaining = 8
          Price = 7
                  Price-wise... eh. It's 1540 Jpy, or about 10.67$, base price on DLsite. It is a good game, don't get me wrong, and might even feel worth it for that price if you're not hard on cash. You might still look for Coupons on it, to at least get it ~8$, for a more reasonable price. It is a shorter game overall in the end. 

          Methods = 9
                  You get it easily from DLsite. I did hear in the past about general issues from Western people trying to buy games on DLsite, but never had the same issues myself, and I paid with Visa card, so see your own mileage with the site. Either way, as easy as it can get, being an official store, outside of literally being Steam. 

                  FINAL SCORE = 8.5
                  I really liked the game. It has been one of the first adult games I got to play, so I'm most likely at least a bit biased in saying this. Beside personal opinion, the game does have pretty good Gameplay, and awesome Pixel-animated scenes to boot. Might be on the shorter side, but for its size, it has quite a lot of H-Scenes and playtime. I can wholeheartedly recommend playing it, especially if the price feels right for you (or get a Coupon, on DLsite I see coupons pretty often).

                  Fluff (Intermission)

                  How to Hardcore-play the game (For True Gamers)
                  I did mention previously the Hidden Techs of the game (how you Slash faster with Usaco, how to move around the map faster with Sachiho). Also, that Android Girl's "extremely Hidden" moves (her Beyblade Fall and Hyper Mode (names by me, clearly) ). But, now you might be asking (literally no-one): "How to Play the BEST?". Well.... Probably I'm not that qualified to teach much, I've yet to do a full no-Continue play of the game on Normal, but still, there are a few strats to up your game! This if you're like me, and play actual Hentai games for their Gameplay (and possibly fap to Controllers or something, idk).
                  Now, for doing a serious run, there are really only 2 good characters, again, Sachiho and Usaco. If you go for the Speedrun, and you're confident in your Dodge-game, go with Sachiho, wolf-girl can pack a melee hefty punch, and she's pretty fast overall. Pretty weak Special attacks, but don't forget to pepper them out when you can! For a safer approach, go with Usaco, and try to out-range enemies with your pea-shooter. Keep in mind to crouch to shoot faster, and also that it will still take a fuckton of time (and button-mashing) for you to defeat enemies. Stronger enemies (like Arachnee, damn her) will actually pose quite a threat, especially when paired with other enemies around, since it will be extremely hard to dodge all of them, and you won't be getting rid of the strong ones anytime fast without using SP strategicaly for that. 
                  What about the other 2 characters? Android Girl is, much like your average phone, filled with useless features. Too many gimmicks, and not much usable in actual combat. Her Beyblade Fall deals little damage, especially for the prep for it, and leaving you disabled on the ground for that amount of time.... pretty bad. Only useful for an Extremely Emergency Dodge (since you're Invincible during it), and poor even at that.  Hyper Mode is sexier by contrast, but even then, it's harder to get the timing to proc it right (with Beyblade Fall, you can time your letting go of Charge with pressing Jump; Hyper Mode happens after a certain distance Slided instead), and since it takes about 3/4th of the screen in slided distance for it to be possible, really only usable as you enter a fight area. Other than that, I guess she has her Homing Missiles as something cool, or her Charged special attack being Piercing, but apart from that, she's liable to get grounded to fine dust when she inevitably runs out of SP. Btw, you can't Charge (and thus perform her "Hidden" moves) when out of SP, so there's that as well. 
                  Mirea? No Mirea. 
                  Alright, there is also a reason. Gameplay wise, she's extremely bad. Her normal attacks even move her, are a bit long, not that much damage to make up for it, and she only has her vertical mobility as an advantage. That and her Special attacks easily hitting multiple enemies. So you really need to get her to Lvl Max to get much from her, and as weak as she is, you'll have to sweat yourself to death to get to that Lvl. Only to die after realising that you're also fresh out of SP, again. 
                  For general Gameplay advice, since the 2 go-to characters both have melee attacks (well, Usaco has the melee as an alternative instead of main , but her melee actually deals some damage, so you'll be using it as well), you'll have to keep in mind when you can Stagger your enemies to chain more hits. Usaco is particularly good at doing some staggers, especially against Harpies. Also, some enemies don't damage / grab you automatically by standing "in" them (Worm, Lizards), and they also only attack to one of their sides at a time, so you can melee them to death easily by switching sides as you see them attack. Melee range is useful against a lot of enemies, as most have Ranged versions of their attacks (and Grabs) that are more dangerous, and if you're in their melee range, they'll instead use their melee attacks for a while (they still have a chance to use their ranged attacks, so keep in mind their attack Tells).
                  Best advice, practice particularly hard levels or enemies (or enemy setups) in the level selects. I mean, you can also enjoy those enemies the funny way instead... your choice.


                   A casual Full Save, all Levels and Freeplay unlocked, for your viewing Pleasure. 

                  Cheat Table
                   Includes the usual (Speedhack Hotkeys etc.). Specific to this game, you can tweak the values for HP,SP,Lives,Exp and even Score (if you feel like it). Simple to understand, if you have Cheat Engine already, you're set.

                  Another post, another victory! Positive thinking, at least. Plan on releasing more and more content from here. Hell, if you want, you can already check what I already released, and on the List of Covered Games page I even left Files for games I've yet to properly make a Review on, so check those as well, if any seem particularly interesting (and you already have them to be able to use the Files, of course). See you in the next posts!

Meta_Review,Meta_Files, MetaFiles_Cheats,MetaFiles_Saves, Developer_CircleGroup, Language_English, Progress_Complete, TypeGame_2DGameplay, TypeLookGenre_SideScroller, TypeGenre_Action, TypeSubGenre_Fighter,TypeSubGenre_Platformer, TypeSetting_Modern,TypeSetting_SF, StyleAnim_2DPixelAnimation, StyleView_2DView,StyleMiscView_XRay, FetishMain_Femdom,FetishMain_Vore, FetishVore_OV,FetishVore_UB,FetishVore_Absorption, FetishMC_FemaleMC, FetishChars_MonsterGirls, FetishSubSex_Yuri, FetishFocus_Lips,FetishFocus_Pussy,FetishFocus_Breasts,FetishFocus_Monstrous, FetishSub_StatusEffects,FetishSub_Transformation, Links_DLsite, ================================================================ UniqueDeveloper_DGate,

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